Friday 16 December 2011

China in two days!

Weight: Still haven't weighed myself yet!
BMI: Reason abovee

So sorry I haven't been posting much! I've been so busy with exams and whatnot I feel like I've been going grazy. Yes grazy, I can't even type now :L I'll be going to China is two days and I'm terrified of the dinner parties. Because all my relatives are excited about seeing me we literally have dinner parties at restaurants and the portions are ENORMOUSS. Some days we'll have breakfast as a family, a LUNCH party, a DINNER party and probably a few snacks between x_x

The not checking the scales has really helped me eat...but I feel like I want to cry straight after I eat. Because I have such a built up resentment against wannarexics (even though I started out as one), I scream at myself in my head whenever I eat 'Why are you doing this?! You're losing control. You're weak. A real anorexic wouldn't do this!' Every. Single. Time. Christmas is way too infused with food. Hopefully blogspot won't be blocked/banned in China like Facebook and YouTube are. Wish me luck.

My own thinspo quote:
'When I woman looks at another who is thinner than she, she will always want to be like that other woman. So why not just be the thinnest?'

Song of the Day:
'O Holy Night' cover by Christina Grimmie
I'd never heard this song before! But her voice is stunning as usual