Saturday, 16 March 2013


Multitasking. Now this is something I do a lot of. Whenever I am on the computer, I am always looking at two things on once. I will adjust half my screen to fit YouTube or 4oD, and on my right side will be one internet window with about 20 tabs, which include all the things I need to do. For example email messages that need replying, Duke of Edinburgh entries that need writing, my Facebook, research for a paper that needs to be done, blog posts that need writing ;) etc. This sort of gives me a sense of urgency whenever I go on the computer. It isn't relaxing for me. It isn't a break really. It's more a long to-do list which is somewhat enjoyable but not really where I can let go.

I, however, am not a balding man . 
This is because I can't bare to let myself relax. To give myself up to just under an hour of relaxation everyday. In my mind I have to be using my time to its greatest efficiency. So even if I am watching How I Met Your Mother or a makeup tutorial on Youtube, I have to be something productive in the mean time. I mean, how dare I do something which relies on my mind to be numb for a few minutes. Otherwise I just become a waste of space, right?

To give a sense of how extreme it can get, I'll show you EXACTLY what I'm doing now.

1. Writing a blog
2. Typing
3. Muted the ad for Revenge (great show!!) so that I can
4. Listen to music during it.
5. Eating an orange
6. Getting annoyed at my headphones cause one of the speakers within has come loose so it makes a rattling noise when I move my head D:
7. Get worried at how I have to start homework in 7 minutes

Looking back on this list, I can see how stressful it looks. But this

Ir's been bred into my current environment that knowledge is everything. Life is a competitive and painful thing, and if you slack off, you are going to fail in life. And so every moment, must be used. Combine this with my twisted version of carpe diem, every wasted moment is a failure. I guess it softens my first statement, with the fact that these moments can also be used for moments of pure joy, but it gives extremes. Either extreme happiness or extreme studiousness.

I really need to chill the fuck down.

What sort of things do you guys like to multitask? Perhaps I'm not the only odd, stressed out person :)

Song of the Day
Ho Hey by the Lumineers
The chorus is quite catchy. This is also the song which I was listening to whilst watching Revenge. I guess this is what some people would call 'hipster' but I couldn't really give a crap either way. I listen to music because I like it, not because it falls any particular category. Plus I've heard this song reach #6 on Capital FM Big Top 40, does that mean it's not hipster anymore? Silly earthlings.

Tweet of the Day

An amazing achievement <3 I'm so glad this has gone through! Found this on 11.03.13

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Hacked account

I've been on GaiaOnline for 5 years now. You see, since I'm quite young, that's quite a significant chunk of my life. It's true that whilst I was working towards my 11+ exams and a little afterwards, I went on it only few times, especially since my school friends stopped using it as well. But it was still a nice part to log onto it. Just like Wonderland Online, it was a part of my childhood happiness, and like many other pieces I keep trying to keep a hold of. I know I'll have to let go eventually, but it's just quite nice holding onto everything for just that little bit longer. After all, what everyone wants is a little slice of happiness right? :)

But on February 16 it all changed :( I looked on my account, and I saw that I had a few private messages. Strange, because I remembered that I hadn't replied to the ones I had before. But then I realised they were notifications for me selling stuff on the website marketplace. Then I looked at my gold balance. From about 2,600,000g to 932g. Utter shock is the only way I could describe it. Basically, my hacker had sold all my 'higher' items (i.e ones above the value of 100k), sold them VERY cheaply (so a 2mil item would be sold for 200k) in order to generate quick cash. Then they used my account to buy an item (usually 2g) for 3.2 million D:< And this way I wouldn't be able to track who this person was. Sucks.

I've reported it now, now all I can do is wait and see if I can get any of it back :3

I'm just glad I'm not like those 'vendors' on the site. Basically, they like to buy hundreds of one item and then sell them a few weeks, months, or years later when the items value in the user marketplace rises. Most of the time the profits are marginal which is why they have to sell in vast quantities. But sometimes (especially with evolving items), they can receive massive profits. However this often results in a user who is constantly on Gaia buying and selling, keeping a close eye on marketplace changes. Sounds too tiring to me for online money.

Song of the Day
Hall of Fame by The Script ft. Will.I.Am
Can't believe I've never put this song on here before! It's a great motivational song <3 Have a listen, you won't regret it!

Tweet of the Day