I was searching high and low for a topic. I'd quite like to talk about lots of different subjects, and not just my eating disorder (despite how many times it may or may not flare up). But I really didn't know which topic to talk about, I mean, it's easy when something interesting happens in your life, or you're geared up for a rant like my last one but otherwise it's a toughie. And so I decided to resort to a Random Word Generator. I remember basing art on things, for example, I had to draw a picture that had something to do with 'petals' or even harder was something like 'conscience' or 'comb' without having to directly draw a petal, comb, etc.

Hopefully I won't get all deep and meaningful like many a countless blog post- you can see how well I plan my posts; but I'll have a crack at it. And since I just tried to find the definition of pharmacogoblivion, we'll see what the definition of orientation is according to Mr Online-Free-Dictionary. I'll talk about a few of the definitions, but not all, partially might be because we'd be here forever and you'd run screaming from such a long blog post, and partially because I may or may not understand some of the definitions themselves; evern though I am perfectly capable of using 'orientation; in a sentence. I think.

2. Location or position relative to the points of the compass
Let's imagine the points of the compass as your goals. Goals, because they're slightly less overdone than friends and family. North - Your ultimate goal. South- That **** that keeps pulling you back! This is something in a physical form, like a demeaning sister, a mean boss, just someone who seems to make a little more difficult and problematic. East and West- Your own personal demons. Can you see which of those have most power on making you stray from your course? Your own personal demons.
For me, my East in the overachieving side that strives for all or nothing, pushes the limits and won't settle for even a millimeter less. My West in the self-punishing side. That when East fails, it hurtles me to the West. Going North is hard, colder climates and harsher living conditions, but once you get there, it's a brilliant view, and often, a once in a life time experience. I could continue with the geography analogies but I'm afraid of boring half my audience ;3
The basics are, set your North properly. You don't want to decide halfway through your journey to the Arctic, that 'hey, why not go to Bangladesh instead?' With that, indecisiveness could be your East. STICK TO YOUR JOURNEY. Especially you're going to tell someone about it. There's nothing worse than hearing someone trying to lose weight one week, and completely giving up and saying weight loss is stupid and saying that girls are beautiful in all sizes. Girls are. But that is not for you to use an excuse cause you couldn't stick to something. Even if your journey to the North seems tough, stick to it. You haven't given something a real try unless you overcome some hurdles with it. Because until you do, only then can you make judgement and declare whether it's worthwhile or not. Emphasis on some, I don't want people to drive themselves pursuing something with all their energy and then realising it's genuinely not for them.
And last of all, cut the south out of your life. Like seriously. If he/she is purposely doing these bad, horrible things, then cut it out. Obviously with some people such as a boss, it's a lot harder and easier said than done. But if you can, find a new job. Of course it's a completely different matter if they're not doing it on purpose. Have a word with them, how can you blame that person if you haven't even told them it's making you feel bad? Remember though, it takes 42 muscles to frown and keep it, but just 4 to bitchslap them.
Confession time: I get very self-conscious and paranoid with composing long pieces of texts. This includes texts, blog posts, etc. everything except essays. And so I really must stop, before I start deleting masses of chunks of this extremely long post D: Until the next post for more definitions....
Song of the Day:
Dance with Me composed by Dario Marianelli (Anna Karenina the movie soundtrack)
Wow. Wow. Wow, I love this. Almost a bit too much. It isn't really great if you don't watch the movie, but this is the melody that plays during the ballroom scene between Count Vronsky and Anna Karenina. And if you're like me, you'll find it completely and undeniably intoxicating. Brilliant movie albeit slightly depressing.
Favourite Tweet of the day:
Word Generator from: http://watchout4snakes.com/creativitytools/randomword/randomwordplus.aspx
Definition from: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/orientation
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