Monday, 7 January 2013


First of all, many apologies for my lack of posting! I've spent the last 3 weeks in China, and I had no idea that Blogger would be banned over there! I spent the holiday trying to access it via various proxies but unfortunately none of them would get me past the log in stage! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's, hopefully I can make up the lost posts as soon as possible! Best wishes for what this year has in store for us! Now let's get started on this post~~

Hello there :3 I can't believe another year has passed. I won't try to make a hundred different new year's resolutions where I struggle to keep count of them let alone follow them for 365 days. But I'll say a few of my hopes for the new year. On Decemeber 31st I was going round my normal routine, nothing really exciting to be honest, and it wasn't until about 10.43pm when I realised, 'Fuck. It's 2013 tomorrow.' It came as a bit of a shock really.

I didn't quite know what to do.

If I look back, I can't remember much, but I feel happy about it. It was pretty tough I remember, especially around May and June, which were exam months. But I got through it. And I'm proud of it. My music exams are done, I'm anxious for my big January exams, but I've worked hard and I'll be ready as I'll ever be. I'm eating now as well, which is good. I haven't done anything stupid that has stood out to be which is great as well.

So here's my New Year's Resolution countdown that I'll leave with you, I hope you'll consider it as one of yours as well~

5. When you are saying YES to someone else, make sure you are not saying NO to yourself.

4. Life is sorrow. Overcome it. Life is a challenge. Overcome it. Life is an adventure. Dare it.

3. [Myself] Right now, someone is out there having the best day of their lives. Make that person YOU!

2. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But you can't make a rainbow, without a little rain.

1. No matter what happens, keep shooting for the moon, because even if you fail, you'll land amongst the stars <3

Happy New Year everyone~

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