Just decided to do a post on all my links :) It's a little experiment where I have no specific title for this and barely any ideas. And so this brings in my rambling, and god knows where that'll take us. But may as well get all the business-y stuff and contact details sorted out first. This is just so, that if anyone wants to find out more, and I've failed to put up the appropriate widgets, I can just link whomever is asking to this post!
On the left as you can see are some of my Instagram photos in no particular order, mainly just to show you and perhaps provide some eye pleasers during this post xD My Instagram name is @thispiggyhaswings
I've attempted to organise and set up this blog page a bit more, and so far I've added the 'follow me' widgets for my Twitter and Instagram of the right-hand side of the page. Hopefully it works??! I'm so bad with tech it's ridiculous :')
Next is my Twitter:
My deviantArt:

I used to have a YouTube account, but then I thought it would be getting too much if I started needing to manage regular blog posts and YouTube videos, especially as it gets closer to my exams, and it's just something I do for fun here and there!

Song of the Day:
Fall Out Boy and Alicia Keys cover by Christina Grimmie and Mike Tompkins

In this video he's recorded and stored some of his 'sounds' and so he can instantly loop and play them back for this song. And this cover of the two combined just sounds incredible! I've really been loving mashups at the moment and this is just one of my favourites.
Favourite Tweet of the Day: