Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Youtube extras and features! Yay or nay?

I was looking for a way to make my blog posts even more helpful and I've decided that I will be adding new Youtube featurettes and extras which might be useful to you! They might be directly targeting the blog post, or they might be a different but with a similar theme. For example, the first pilot video is for the Oliver Bonas shop feauturette I did, and in this featurette I'll be showing you one of my jewellery stands/collections which does have a few of the products in the post. Really hope that you guys enjoy it! 

The videos will be embedded directly into the post for easy navigation *crosses fingers that it works* And so, here's the first video! *excitement* 

What do you guys think? Leave comments below! Should I do more of these? Do they help? Some feedback would be really appreciated! I've yet to work out a timetable that can juggle blog posts and videos, but now that it's the summer, I'll be able to do lots of these! 

Song of the Day:
Player by Naomi King
I found this girl whilst looking at Manic Panic hair dye reviews a few months back, but this still remains one of my favourite songs by her! She's so talented, and seems very genuine as well as being a very cool chick. And hair is amazing! I'd love to be able to dye my hair in such brilliant ways!

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