Because you my friend...are rich. |
And have no fucking reason to be sad.
This seems entirely hypocritical of me, especially since I've spent the better part of my blog posts moping and ranting particularly between 2011-2012, but I'm done with it.
I want to stop procrastinating. Over thinking, anxiety, coveting, dread, wondering about what could have been, and not being able to forgive is all procrastination. Where is it getting you? NOWHERE. I've now realised why, when during lows and panic attacks, people in general feel exhausted. It is the anxiety and mental thoughts which can drive you to the limit, torment you and drain you of all your energy.
To be honest, if you're in the right, or the things that happened were completely out of your control and you had no cause in it whatsoever, you don't deserve to be upset. If one of your dearest died? Respect their death. Make them so proud that they wouldn't believe it. And come out stronger than you ever were before. If a friend is in trouble and you're worried? To put it bluntly, it's none of your business. But show them that you're there for them, or find help if they don't have the means to. And if you're in the wrong? Well go and correct your mistake. Now. Do you know what will happen when you do? Release. It doesn't matter the consequences, quit being a pussy and face them. What will fear do for you? Nothing. What will waiting do for you? Nothing. They can only make things worse.
It makes me so sad to see people angry at life, just because those who were close to them, failed them. Or when people give up when they feel no one cares. Learn to accept mistakes, there's only so long you can beat yourself up about it. I'm definitely not trying to say people cannot be upset at all, cause hey, we're humans, and sometimes words do hurt more than sticks and stones. But when that starts to define you? Hell no.
'Oh well, it's easy to say when you've recovered from anorexia and others. But it's not like you understand what it's like to cut yourself or be raped or have your parents die or be constantly bullied in your life.'
One, you can never, ever, recover from anorexia. Once you get into it, it's always there. Which is why, I absolutely hate girls seeking attention by 'dabbling', but that's a whole other argument altogether.
And well, I have cut myself. Once. But afterwards when I came to my senses and realised that if I kept going, there would only be deeper and longer. Much like anorexia, it is something which can easily turn into a vicious cycle and have been caused by much deeper and perhaps more serious problems. And you're right, I am eternally thankful that my parents have not yet died, nor have I been raped, and I don't think I could imagine the after effects of such horrific ordeals. For that I am eternally grateful. And it is understandable, if some people need a period of time to get all the upset and shock out of their system. But there has to come a point when you ask yourself, what next? Do I continue like this? Do I let them win? Am I now defined by this?
Recovery from anything is so hard. That cannot be denied. There will be countless times where you fall, and sometimes you just want go back down the slippery slope. Because after all, it is easier to fall instead of climb. And some times, some days will just seem too dark for any hope. But you can become stronger. It doesn't matter what you've been through. You deserve to be this. Have respect for yourself. Just remember, that once you're through, and you've reached the finishing line, no matter what anyone yes, you've won a bloody gold medal and more.
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However, instead of sadness, you do have reason to be angry at the world.
To be angry that they wealth of the top 3% in the world is the same as the bottom 97%. That means a couple hundred thousand of people have the same as BILLIONS. To be angry that the truth isn't told. To be angry that some people are killed, disgraced and imprisoned for their race, sexuality and less. To be horrified that concentration camps in North Korea have 'guard dog training', whereby packs of dogs are set on innocent prisoners, usually children, in order to 'train' them, and are rewarded for prolonged pain and tormentation. The children are either left completely savaged with faces ripped off and perhaps missing organs or bleeding to death. To be angry that although this sounds bad, there are probably things much worse that have been hidden, and we just don't know about.
Do you these people chose to be said colour, race or sexuality? No. But don't just sit there with this anger. Do something. Make someone's darkness, beautiful. To realise that you have forever changed someone's life for the better is incredible. It can be anything from donating to give a child an education, or campaigning for an end to trafficking. Put your past into use. Experience is gold.
If you need any more help, maybe this will help:
But please don't lose yourself because of the past. Don't feel that no one cares about what happens to you. Because I care. Doesn't matter if you know me or not in real life. You have the potential for everything and beyond. You have the potential/already are, someone's world. Don't go destroying that. For any help, feel free to contact me on here or leave a comment.
Our own Versailles by Galt Aureus
Unfortunately I can't seem to find a video for you guys without the introduction, however, I'm acbsolutely loving this band! I found it as it was the backing track on a Photoshop tutorial and I'm loving their music! Some of their videos only have a few thousand views (might just be and the replay button...) but you should definitely check them out. They're definitely gonna be big!
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Stay strong.
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